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Astrological Consultations in Italian and English.

The astrological consultations take place in person, by phone or via zoom, upon reservation, sending of birth data and payment. The work on the astrological chart, be it a birth chart, an annual analysis or a synastry, is prepared by me before the appointment in which the consultation takes place, as these are works that require a certain amount of time to be completed. The consultation then becomes the moment of exposure of all the work done.

Each consultation can be recorded so that it can confortably be listened  again and you don’t have to write things down. In this case it is me who carry out the recording and then send it as an audio file together with the graphs of the analyzed charts.
I tend not to offer written consultations unless it is a question of Horary or Elective Astrology, since I find it essential to have a direct relationship with the person who can thus ask me questions, receive clarifications and take advantage of all the opportunities that only the consultation can offer. My Psychological training allows me to provide a space for support and clarification with respect to the subject dealt with, which is why I tend to prefer oral consultation and personal relationships to written reports.

There are two different consultation methods:

- a complete work such as the one on the birth chart or on the annual situation

- a focused work, that is a consultation aimed at single factors. The latter method, although proposed in the same manner as above (booking, sending the data, payment) can be made at any time and on targeted questions such as: I would like to understand something about my emotional situation, my work, or any specific area of life. This corresponds to a transversal investigation that focuses this dimension in the birth chart and in the various annual charts to respond to the request, but it does not address all the other dimensions that we find in the birth chart and in the various annual charts. The questions of Horary and Elective Astrology, on the other hand, can be either in the form of a voice consultation or in written form, the request method remains unchanged (booking, sending of the question, payment).



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